TOKYO: The chairman and president of a major Japanese dietary supplement maker announced their resignation on Tuesday (Jul 23), as the company probes dozens of deaths potential
Just like how Americans usually resolve their disputes by a duel at 10 paces?
Even in jest, your comment is a very negative stereotype to perpetuate. As someone who has been on the receiving end of those types of comments/jokes, I think it would be good to be a bit more considerate of others who are affected by that kind of stereotyping.
In Japanese culture, the act of taking responsibility for a horrible action by killing oneself is called "seppuku" (切腹), also known as "hara-kiri." This ritualistic form of suicide was historically practiced by samurai to restore honor for themselves or their families.
So just so we're on the same page, that is the "usual" way that Japanese people today accept responsibility for their actions? Or specifically the Japanese samurai in question who own this particular firm?
Remind me again how you’ve been on the receiving end of someone asking you to take responsibility for killing 80 people as the responsible party of a large company? Help me understand how this is about you. Further defend this man.
You’re right, it was a joke. It’s not the “usual way,” and my comment has been edited. Now answer my question, How does any of this apply to you? Or did you just want to get offended argue online because somebody once told you to “kys” in Fortnite, and that is obviously the same thing as being responsible for 80 deaths
You ever have a bad day as a teenager, and then you go to eat lunch in a high school cafeteria, but when you're grabbing plastic utensils someone makes a comment like "Woah better hide the knives from Stovetop before he cuts his stomach open"?
It ain't great, is all I can say. Especially when you're not even Japanese, because everyone apparently just lumps all Asians together in a monoethnic mass.
Say whatever about corporate assholes who fuck up and get people killed. Like if you want them to die, fine. But racial stereotyping hurts everyone, whether it be jokingly or pointedly.