What'll be even funnier is if they neg her so hard the convention goes for someone like Whitmer or Jayapal
Especially since Trump has been doing the pickme dance for Midwestern votes by going on about how the union's to blame for the jobs going to mexico and also Indian votes by trying to pander to defensiveness about Modi
It's already Harris. Biden transferred campaign funds to her and endorsed. It's all about VP pick now. Dems aren't going to go for anyone else. They can't access any of the money. She can.
The real galaxy brain moment here is that there's a window of time after a Democratic politician goes "over the top" (to borrow a WWI turn of phrase) during which undecided voters evaluate them on their own merits, before right wing media outlets can calibrate their smear campaigns and really start eating into their favorables. Kamala's been out of the public eye for long enough that the clock is at least partially reset. AOC, on the other hand, is The Devil Herself to the right and they've been attacking her for years. Better to pull a rising star who is unknown enough to similarly benefit from the right-wing hate machine's warm-up period, and being enough progressive bona fides to the ticket to cushion some of the criticisms of Harris's prosecutorial history.
It would be about as bad as putting Hillary Clinton on the ticket. I was more than a little concerned about that because several polls kept shoehorning her into the discussion of replacing Biden.
Sure, replace the candidate who defeated Trump with the candidate who lost to him, great idea corporatists!
The flood of articles about Harris following Joe stepping down isn't a coincidence, it's a coordinated PR maneuver to build support before the nomination becomes official.
I was always going to reluctantly vote for Biden, and I'll reluctantly vote for Harris. And you should too.
But that doesn't mean I am going to like it. Or that I'm going to shut up about valid criticism.