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Don’t forget the 4500 emails suggesting you upgrade to slorp pro-premium-plus-max
141 0 Replylugal You make fun of this but I really had bonto pro-premium-plus-max and it comes with many benefits like not getting these mails anymore
39 0 Replywizzor Then when you finally upgrade to premium plus max lifetime, the acquisition happens and lifetime licenses get cancelled.
33 0 Replykshade
"You have 17 messages in your Slorp-box! Click here to log in"
19 0 ReplyBoomer Humor Doomergod
"Loser McDouchebag from high school recently Slorped! Click here to read it!"
15 0 Replykshade
And, after the rebranding: "Someone looked at your BONTO! profile! Want to know who? Get BONTO! Premium and send them a BONTO!-Gram! Remember, this could be the beginning of something wonderful! Get it now for only $9,99 (first 6 months, conditions apply)!"
5 0 Reply
Anticorp And if you already did, then you're really missing out on the pro lifetime plan that includes a lifetime license!*
^(* lifetime license only valid until we release the next version in 2 months)
7 0 Reply