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Ok so I have my starting gear and two 500lb barrels of mayonnaise
39 0 Replyswab148
That's okay, you're a bard so that's just your instrument
19 0 ReplyMantisTobogganMD no patrick.
3 0 Reply
SolOrion We don't have encumbrance until you make me give you encumbrance. That's how it works.
You get encumbrance quick lol
16 0 Reply🔍🦘🛎
That's a great way to run it tbh
5 0 ReplySolOrion It's worked out so far. I don't find counting lbs to make sure you're under a weight limit fun, but I also don't want people carrying around 5000lb of random shit. This has been my solution.
8 0 Reply
mindbleach Sometimes that's how you get Old Man Henderson.
2 0 ReplySolOrion I've not heard of Old Man Henderson before, so thanks for prompting me to read this lmao.
2 0 Reply
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