React is incredibly popular because so many companies use it. They are banking on Facebook's continued support and development, and an assumption that if Facebook is doing it then it must be right. Being rich does not automatically make one right. Having worked at a company that forced React on its developers against their wishes I can unequivocally say it's bad.
In any system the right action should be the default action. Query parameters should be parameterized by default, variables in HTML templates should be contextually escaped by default, and so forth. "Don't make me think". React is the complete opposite of that: It requires you to constantly think about the render loop (aka "Component Function"), it hides the fact there is an object behind the scenes containing the component state, the documentation is littered with "don't worry about this feature until after you have a performance problem, then come back here for the solution", it's very neat and tidy for tiny example projects but does not scale well as the project grows.
Using useMemo and useCallback to Save the Past from React Langoliers + Thoughts on React vs Vue vs Everything Else in 2023
Compare that with a system like Vue or Lit, which is much more intuitive, does the right thing by default, and is easier for existing HTML/CSS/JS developers to grok at a glance.