The U.S. Supreme Court's immunity decision has reportedly emboldened the presumptive GOP nominee to pursue his far-right agenda and authoritarian aims "without fear of punishment or restraint."
The U.S. Supreme Court's immunity decision has reportedly emboldened the presumptive GOP nominee to pursue his far-right agenda and authoritarian aims "without fear of punishment or restraint."
Could Biden use that ruling to just stay president, but leave them the opportunity to repeal it? Illustrate how dangerous it is while still giving the system a chance to self-correct.
Yep, the Court did this all to set the stage for Trump knowing that Biden (or Dems) wouldn't abuse the new power.
But since they aren't going to abuse it they should be on every news station every night till the election explaining the danger of the Court. Hold press conferences everyday, make the Republicans have to take a stance on a Supreme Court writing new law instead of adjudicating cases like they are supposed to be doing. Make it so everyone that doesn't normally follow the news finds out they just set the stage for Trump (or the next even further right fascist) winning.
The thing is, the Dems CANT abuse the power. If they do, they'll get crucified by both sides for it. And that's what the Republicans want. They're simultaneously making it so they'll stay in power when its their turn, and daring the Dems to do it knowing it won't go well for them. Its a win-win in their eyes. Especially while you have some of your people sitting on the highest court in the country.
And this is the flaw with a two-party system. If one party decides to play dirty, the other is either forced to play just as dirty to keep up, (devolving into anarchy) or trying to play by the rules and getting blocked by the other team at every turn.
IF Trump actually wins the election then I hope Biden goes full scorched earth with the powers that the SCOTUS granted. He’ll have nothing to lose at that point.
He won't though, because he's basically a moderate Republican that wants to both sides everything. He's afraid to offend the same people stabbing him in the back.
That's why he should leave the door open for scotus to repeal their decision; and be VERY vocal about exactly what he's doing. "I am 100% abusing this new power granted by the scotus in order to shine the spotlight on just how dangerous it is; consider the damage I could be doing right now if my intent was malicious. What I'll do instead is wait for the scotus to wake up and revise their incredibly bad decision, concluding the power I shouldn't have in the first place and forcing me to step down as my position requires."
No. The ruling seems to have said that he can do anything he likes in his capacity as president, and he can't be convicted of any criminal offence for it. It didn't say that the people around him would have to go along with it, or that they'd be immune from prosecution.
It also left convenient wriggle room for the court to arbitrarily decide what constituted "official" actions, rather than him doing something privately, so they've effectively granted themselves a get out of jail free card to decide case-by-case in the future
True, I didn't consider that. He'd still have to convince them though, which would be easier said than done if he wanted to entirely disregard the constitution
I think you lost the discussion thread a little bit. We're talking about what Biden could do about the corrupt Supreme Court justices. They're definitely in D.C. already.
But I do think that the fascist SCOTUS judges just gave him that power, and that Biden demonstrating just how terrible a power it is by using it to get rid of them might be the only way to get the decisions overturned and stop the US from becoming a dictatorship.
The only two ways are pretty much what you said, or a massive blue wave in November that gives the dems a supermajority in the senate and a majority in the house.
What is happening now is the system self correcting. It was designed to concentrate immense power in the hands of a select, corrupt, few, all we're seeing now is the illusions they've piled on to that slowly dissolve as they no longer need to keep up pretences.