The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
If inciting an insurrection towards their own government is an action without legal repercussions, I don't see how the law would be less lenient about straight up firing a gun at an opponent.
I by no means want any party to resolve to violent tactics. So even though I play with the thought, I really don't want anything like it to happen. I am just curious if it's actually the case that a sitting president has now effectively a licence to kill.
They did not say that he was immune. They said that the president has immunity for certain acts. What acts? Whatever acts they, the SCOTUS, decide they should be immune from. So Biden could shoot Trump dead but the court would rule that that was illegal because some bullshit reason.
So... Biden could target SCOTUS as being treasonous & appoint new justices under immunity with the three remaining liberal justices quickly ruling he has executive privilege to do so?
That court also wouldn't be able to have the president arrested. He would need to be impeached and removed from office before any of that could happen.
True, but they are also the ones who decide what they can and cannot do without recourse from anyone else (because we need 2/3 of Congress to impeach which is a non-starter.) so they can rule one way and then rule another for whatever reason they want.
Our "justices" (/vomit...) don't have to have any qualifications, we just pay lip service to norms so we (read: the federalist society) choose vaguely "acceptable" people to be justices, but you or I could be one too which really means that they have almost nothing to do with the actual law. We're a fucking joke.
Guilt or innocence is irrelevant in this case. The only thing that matters is whether the President was acting in an "official" capacity or not. If a Republican does it, it was official. If a Democrat does, it was not.
I agree, that's how it would go. But you can't start advocating for a Democratic president to murder his opponent with official impunity, just because of some politically motivated bullshit SCOTUS ruling. That way total anarchy and facism lies.
If people start calling for that, then it's no better than the shit show of a second Trump presidency may be. The rule of law matters, and it should apply to all equally. If Trump did it and got away with it, it would be bullshit, he should not get away with it. If Biden did it, he should not get away with it either, whether it's "official" or not. Murder is murder.
You're correct, and I wasn't saying otherwise. I'm just pointing out that the corrupt SCOTUS has set themselves up as the arbiter of consequences for the President. They can protect or not on a whim, with no way for anyone else to challenge them.
Agreed. It's properly fucked up. Genuinely worried about the state of the States in the next few years if the Dems don't get their acts together and win in November (and even if they do, tbh)
Same. Dems winning presidential elections feels like a drowning person who's desperately thrashing around managing to get a lungful of air before sinking again.
If people start calling for that, then it’s no better than the shit show of a second Trump presidency may be.
I cannot disagree more strongly. Biden has this chance to RESTORE rule of law, which SCOTUS has already shredded. I will take the risk of Biden becoming a dictator over the near certainty that Trump will.