Reminds me of my stepfather who is deeply conservative and an huge supporter of the military but his favorite movie is full metal jacket. I’ve tried to discuss what he thinks the point of the movie is and it seems like he never got past the “it looks cool” part.
You can't have a good war movie that's also a parody, because people just take the cool/funny parts as approval of the atrocities.
And nothing is safe. You'll have sitting American Congressmen putting out hacked up Attack on Titan videos with zero context, because David v Goliath is just a cool image and you want to make teenager shock troops fighting hideous (((monsters))) on top of a big wall look Based.
Your enemy is always an existential threat and doing war crimes is incredibly cool. So yay fascism!
I remember really liking their music on the radio when I was like 12-14, and I knew my conservative parents wouldn't buy my that record. With Rage Against The Machine on the front and songs about cops being kkk, and homeless people hanging out with the ghosts of guys who died for the working class, and saying "wake up" but not like in a ''you gotta get ready for school'' type of way. No sir. They wouldn't be down. You don't have to know much to understand they weren't talking about the washing machine.
Growing up, one my my classmates favorite movies was FMJ, but yeah he was super conservative and said his dream was to die for his country. Idk what goes through these people’s minds.