I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake
About 3 or 4 years ago PayPal added the option to buy cryptocurrency, which I thought I’d try. (Dumb idea 🙄)
Part of the sign up process was glitched. I retried and clicked submit one too many times, I guess. Now I’ve been unable to use PayPal for years. They blocked me because THEIR SITE was broken, but the web page essentially accuses me of being a criminal and asks for my bank records. No way in hell.
This was just for me to pay others. I can only imagine how awful PayPal is if you are a vendor.
Does anyone know of an alternative to paypal other than stripe ( same shenanigans) , for getting paid for freelance work that is available in Europe or Asia ??
Oh, I wasn't very specific what I was referring to is selling stuff online, like private store selling pdfs or royalty free music and stuff, cause the only two platforms that I know of are paypal and stripe
Depends on the country and the context. For private people in the Netherlands, it's free. On my business account I pay something like 12 cents, plus 2 bucks per batch (which is why most companies only do payments every so often)..
In the US it very much isn't free. I realize the original commenter was asking about Europe and Asia, but something to be aware of if you want to visit this country. Here at least, you're much better off using traveler's cheques, rather than trying to rely on cash from ATMs and bank transfers.
I have no idea why, but I swear to god that we have the most bass-ackwards banking system in the world. They still use COBOL for fuck's sake.