Name a legendary musical hit in your country. Rule: must be over 30 years old
Name a legendary musical hit in your country. Rule: must be over 30 years old
- Over 30 years old
- Should be a HUGE hit everyone in your country remembers to this day
- Preferably something that is relatively unknown outside of your country
- Preferably sang in your native tongue
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Germany: Die Fantastischen Vier - Die Da!?!
From 1992, German rap with funny guys moving stupidly in the video
10 0 ReplyLemonyoda Hallo Thomas!
5 0 Replysmokeymcpott Hallo! Alles klar?
4 0 ReplyLemonyoda Klar!
1 0 Reply
ArcaneSlime Random question, but how well known is my old German teacher's favorite techno song: Eine Insel Mit Zwei Bergen? To which I still remember all the words 15yr later lmao.
5 0 Replythe_blast_of_us I'd say pretty much everybody between 40 and 45 remembers that song
4 0 ReplyArcaneSlime It is super catchy to be fair! And the puppets are just the right amount of creepy to still be fun haha.
1 0 Reply
I had the Single when I was a kid
2 0 ReplyArcaneSlime Holy shit they have it on 12"! I need to track down a copy lol.
1 0 Reply
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