I can fully understand when me or someone else gets downvotes for saying something controversial or silly (yeah, it happens, I admit), but why would anyone come here and spend time downvoting things that perfectly align with the political climate here?
Are we that popular that we are being displayed in other instances so often? Do we have lurkers who only pretend to be communists? And in that case - Jesus, I thought that I am wasting my time sometimes... 😆
The fact that the first thing I received was a downvote is a comedy gold.
Thanks, I have received almost nothing but warm welcome here and I have very warm feelings for Lemmygrad in general. Online activities are not enough to judge it, but I feel like some of us here would make good friends, if I may being corny for a moment. I like to joke that Lemmygrad members should form an international ML party.
That’s perfectly alright mate! That’s what this space is for, first and foremost! A safe place to discuss common interests with likeminded people and to grow as people ourselves!
We welcome everyone no matter who you are, but we will defend our borders fiercely from those who seek to undermine the space we have here. So it’s nice to hear that you’ve had a warm welcome!
Just what we need is another leftist org(someone save the mess that is the left in the states please).
For real though this space has been fairly welcoming. It's cozy here even with the downvote trolls.
And tbf I periodically go over to our "fanclub" comm and downvote any new posts there. But that is mostly because I suspect that user is one of the people that add the common 2 downvotes to a lot of the posts here.
Shortly before I joined some user got butthurt and started meanwhileongrad and the place reads like a whose who of buzzwordy reactionary libshit nonsense.
It’s so fun to read that site, I can’t stop checking lol, it’s like a combination of a Lemmygrad highlight reel, extremely out of context comments, and posts that are complete self reports about the OP’s ignorance and stupidity.
It's kind of endearing in a weird way that someone wound make trying to shit on us their online identity. I lost it when they posted about the prolwiki wiscon(sp?) stuff and called it doxxing.