Skincare is one of those things I always feel like I should be better at (and that I'm failing as a girl because of it somehow). I'm lucky as my skin is fine really (I drink a lot of water) so I've never really done anything. Selfcare is something I struggle with generally so never found it worth the effort.
I'm thinking as I enter my thirties though I should. Just had a sheetmask and enjoyed it but I have no idea where to start generally in terms of it.
What's your skincare routine? Is it worth the effort/cost?
For my skin it makes a big difference, but everyone is different! If your skin isn't dry, or oily, or acne prone, you keep doing what works. I have combination skin, and I do a morning cleanser, then moisturizer with spf, which also helps a little bit of under eye concealer blend better. At night it's a cleanser then retinol. A cheaper moisturizer all over after a bath. For me, if I skip any of these things, I feel it.