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tiramichu Subject: Job Application
129 0 Replyeezeebee
54 0 ReplyQuetzalcutlass The suggestions for email addresses if yours was already taken used to include what you entered plus the last two digits of your birth year. I wonder how many people born in 1988 followed that advice and now deeply regret it.
28 0 Replyproudblond Pretty sure just yesterday I saw a Lemmy comment bemoaning that 88 had been co-opted for exactly this reason.
16 1 Replyumbrella
this was already a thing way before emails became a thing
5 0 ReplyBlanketsWithSmallpox Wait what are all you talking about? 88 just means shit like hugs and kisses or good luck.
4 3 Replylengau The link you gave provides you with the answer.
10 0 ReplyBlanketsWithSmallpox Let's not let neonazis take culturally common shit like the okay sign, thumbs up, or literal numbers please.
8 2 ReplyShaggySnacks Let's seize these concepts back, comrades! We will redistribute them back to the people!
3 0 Reply
Scribbd "Cultural significance" > "in Neo-nazism"
6 0 Reply
brbposting Can you start
on Mondaytonight 😏15 0 Reply