Doctors gave my parents a choice to let my neonatal sibling die naturally. I grew up with them, loved them, and never wanted anything but the best life for them and my family.
If a doctor gives you a choice you should take it. It isn't a happy life for them, the people they should care about, or broader society.
I can only imagine how hard this may be to talk about.
I ask this question to get clarification and not make you relive a hardship in any way. So please just respond with "no thanks" if its to hard to give more details or just ignore completely.
Your comment was a little confusing to me. Can you expand on it a little so I can understand. Was your comment that it was not a happy life meant that its not a perfect life for those who are born in that situation but they find true joy and bring light to those around then from your experience? Or more give them a shot and they will show you how far they can go because they are determined to show you what the hell they are made of.
I ask this not as an outsider but as a friend who has seen a few extremes in this real including my cousin.
It's fine, ask away. It's important people think through long term implications so I'm happy to answer.
Such babies stand very low chances of living healthy normal lives. In my sibling's case they didn't live a happy or comfortable life, they precldued my other siblings and I from valuable childhood experiences, strained my parents' marriage, and were a huge burden on taxpayers and society. There were some good moments but truthfully they never brought anyone any real happiness and no one ever honestly wanted them to be around.
It's natural to want to cling on to those you love hoping the best for them, especially for mothers. My strong opinion is all things considered the kindest thing for everyone's long term wellbeing is to be strong and let them go.
As long as you keep that shitty opinion mostly to yourself that's fine. When you try advocate for it legally or socially like this don't be surprised when you end up with the Nazis and missing teeth.
My god their disabled sibling "truthfully they never brought anyone any real happiness and no one ever honestly wanted them to be around."
Talk about ableism and lack of self awareness....
Some of the most evil heartless shit I've ever read....
Lemmy has a real cast of the left wing eugencist doesn't it? Finally get to block my first non troll scum.