Trump’s power and influence will help him avoid major hurdles facing millions of Americans with felony convictions trying to get back to work, Alex Woodward reports
It's insane how we've relied far too long on a sort of gentleman's agreement around presidents and congress and all. I don't think the founding fathers could have EVER anticipated the amount of corruption that could occur.
If the orange turd did one thing, it's to lay bare how truly exploitable and corruptible the ruling class can be. I mean, we all know it was bad but he truly showed by bad (and open) it could get. And how nothing whatsoever would be done about it...
It's like this in many countries. In the UK we've never had to deal with people being held in contempt of parliament, but in recent years we've seen corruption and a blatant disregard for "rules" that would have made politicians sick a decade ago. It's at a point where the UK has considered a constitution to ensure that anyone caught being openly corrupt or breaking the rules can be arrested.
Many right-wing politicians have shown that the rules have been lax for a very long time, and IMO it's a sign that perhaps we as a society need to seriously look at how we stop the right (and perhaps even the left) from abusing their power without consequence.
I don't think the founding fathers could have EVER anticipated the amount of corruption that could occur.
"I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other."
Comrade, the USA was founded by rich businessmen, and organized primarily to defend the class interests of that group.
The nation-state has at various points hunted down runaway slaves (Fugitive Slave Act of 1850), used the national guard to put down strikes (the Ludlow Massacre, the Lattimer massacre, the breaking of the Homestead Strike, the West Virginia Coal Wars...), fought violently against peaceful protesters (Kent State shootings, pretty much every protest of the Civil Rights Movement, the DNC protests of 1968, various incidents during the Floyd protests...), arrested and murdered people for ideology rather than proof of actually committing a crime (Sacco and Vanzetti, the Haymarket Martyrs...), drugged and murdered Fred Hampton as he slept next to his pregnant fiance, funded dozens of coups against democratically elected leaders because they were left-leaning, and done countless other things. This is aided by the permanent death grip that capital has on the country.
Even if the process of getting elected was completely untied to wealth (hahaha) and lobbying didn't exist (lol), at the end of the day the economy is controlled by the capitalists and they can bring a country to its knees if it doesn't obey. Capital strikes and the threat of disinvestments and layoffs are powerful.