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intensely_human As a man it was in my mid twenties I realized he’s a good actor and not just a teenage heartthrob.
I hated him when I was a kid. Later I realized him getting all the girls doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy.
It was when I watched The Island that I first realized he’s a good actor.
31 10 ReplySquirrel
Nobody said anything about his acting. This is about him never dating anyone over 25.
37 0 Replyintensely_human I said something about acting
13 4 ReplySquirrel
Ah, I figured you thought you were on-topic (that the original post was somehow critical of his acting?), not on a tangent. My mistake.
6 0 Reply
RampantParanoia2365 But that was Ewan McGregor?
Lol, I think you mean Shutter Island.
13 0 ReplyObi
I think they meant the beach.
6 0 Replyintensely_human Oh you’re right I was thinking of Mike Myers in Wayne’s World
Hey Mister Donut Head Man who’s trying to kill ya?
I don’t know but they better not!
6 0 Reply
minibyte Romeo + Juliet for me. It got me through a Lit. paper.
2 0 Replynorimee Confidentially missed the point.
I agree, he is a good actor. But he is also a sleezebag who only dates models half his age and consistently dumps them when they turn 25.
Even though I respect his work, I have no respect for him as a person anymore.
9 7 ReplyBertuccio Top Secretly missed the point
7 1 Replyintensely_human Made a different point
5 2 Reply
Same as a ten young adult I didn't think much of him. As I got older I realized just how good he is as an actor.
3 1 Reply