Frankly being hot seems to be a predictor for autism, i presume because e.g. routine workouts is a significant part of attractiveness and ooh did you say routine?
So autistic people love routines more than neurotypicals? I've been called autistic a few times, but I also have no routines, and my life's a mess, maybe routines would fix everything?
Well, there are also people who are autistic and have ADHD which is super fun because one part of your brain craves routines and the other one can't stick to them. Don't ask how I know.
It's not guaranteed, autistic people just generally tend to like order and routine more.
I have "light" autism and i tend to do things the same way every time, e.g. when eating i cut everything into bite sizes and eat in a specific order, otherwise it just feels wrong.
I personally find exercise fucking amazing, by getting exhausted i can both get stronger and more attractive, AND i get to eat more! holy shit yes please.
Really gotta be careful with that stuff, so easy to just do more of it because you feel you can get away with it and then it ends up just being the same thing in the end..