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The M1 Abrams main battle tank, mind. This diagram indicates nothing about the M1 Garand or M1 carbine.
85 0 Replyskillissuer
M1 helmet is probably pretty safe. M1 chemical landmine, probably not
47 0 Replyhydroptic M1 chemical landmine, probably not
Well not with that attitude it ain't. Children need to learn this stuff you know
15 1 Replyskillissuer
the children yearn for the mines
20 0 Replyhydroptic 17 1 ReplySnipingNinja
Where is this from?
4 0 ReplynBodyProblem Starship Troopers
12 0 Reply
psud I can't imagine a ten year old boy who wouldn't be up for throwing rocks at land mines
7 0 Reply
M1 Macs probably preferred
1 0 Reply
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