Stalks my post history to find out I use Ubuntu for my daily driver. Didn't mention I've been using Linux since before the twin towers fell and am a long term open source dev and contributor...
Almost like you purposely chose to be deceptive or something. I know it wasn't a choice though, this kind of immorality comes naturally to you and maybe you're not even aware of it. You should try and work on it though, you'll be amazed how much better a life of radical self awareness is.
Isn't it embarrassing using the same excuses as every 4chan racist and misogynist?
You're affecting how people perceive Linux and doing so in a negative way, I'm not going to try and stop you or anything but I am going to say I think you're a bad person working against all the efforts and hard work of people trying to make a better world.
How you feel about it is upto you.
Oh and of course this was just a joke so you have to laugh and agree, right?
I simply envy you because you live in some world where this is the problem worth discussing and getting angry. Or your head is full of shit. It's probably the latter, given that you put people joking about Arch Linux to the same category as racists and misogynists. In this case, I don't envy, but pity you.
They're owned by a for-profit company, they collect data on you by default, they've already had privacy issues in the past, and they include non-free software by default. I would rather have a beginner start off with Debian or Trisquel. We shouldn't be trapping people into these distros because then they'll potentially get too comfortable and not make the switch. This is coming from someone who did start off on Ubuntu. Sure, it's more convenient, but we should be teaching people to value freedom over convenience. Even if the data collection is minimal, it's still data.