The ending of the show kinda makes me think they were the original IASIP gang. Every other character outside of the main group thought they were assholes, and they literally went to jail for it.
There were definitely people who modeled their behavior or at least excused their actions based on Seinfeld. My aunt for instance.
There's a long, long history of idiots missing the point of various pieces of fiction. The Prince, Fight Club and the original MS Gundam come to mind. Yoshikazu Yasuhiko even felt the need create Gundam: The Origin because too many kids thought Gundam's message was "War is cool".
Friends would have been okay with Janice and Gunter.
Community only needs the Dean.
The big bang theory would have been better with just a black screen.
I mean, technically, yes. It would work but it wouldn't be Community. Abed is the cornerstone though if set alone wouldn't work out, you also need sidekick Troy as an audience surrogate so we can all ride along. Troy&Abed on a space station would still be Community with different support characters.
Nothing is obligating you to respond this way other than some amount of respect you have for this bigot. DONT sugar coat your ability to look the other way in the face of bigotry.