It hurting your feelings doesn’t make something illegal. They agreed to terms, sucks to be them if they didn’t like it.
And even if it was illegal, getting the public to fight your battle for you is just about the shittiest thing you can do. Don’t agree to the fucking terms in the first place lmfao, or at least educate yourself before agreeing. This is wholly on arrowhead, but defend one corporation while decrying another lmfao.
Anybody ever notice how people like this chap here always seem so...angry in their replies? They'll go all in on insulting you somehow and cry if you respond in kind.
It's because they are angry trolls who are already angry about something else and are choosing to take it out on others, hence why this guy decided to lash out at you without even paying attention to who he was replying to.
Why are you lying instead of addressing the main point? People always resort to fallacy’s when their point is made out to be irrelevant. It seems you don’t have anything actually to add here…?
So.. what are you going on about here? I’m curious why you think people will believe your obvious lies? Sure yeah you can be mad at me for pointing out the obvious that people painfully missed, but that doesn’t make me angry or insulting lmfao.
So what was illegal about it? Or are you not going to address any points and just whine…?
So…. because they aren’t the same user they can ignore the discussion that’s already happening and scream whatever they want! And I can’t defend my own points…?
Does that make any sense lol?
What’s wrong with asking them to address what the discussion is about and what’s wrong with pointing out they aren’t adding to conversation…?
Or is this just a circle jerk thread that I waltz into? Do people really detest conversations? Because that’s what I’m trying to have here, but apparently everyone just wants wants to defend arrowheads shitty way of handling contract disputes.
What was illegal about Sony enforcing their contract? Please explain instead of going off on an irrelevant tangent, can anyone answer? Or are people just going to shout without backing anything up? If someone wants to claim something’a illegal, they should be able to at least explain when asked, but I’m the asshole for asking…? Sure lmfao how does that make any sense?
As explained in the first comment, arrowhead knew about this requirement from the start, it was mandatory until their servers couldn’t handle the load. Sony paused the requirement and sent their engineers out for free to deal with it. It was listed on their store page, and they had a very vague splash screen the first time you loaded the game. The splash screen should have mentioned the mandatory requirement, they knew what they were doing when they omitted that part….
They are biting the hand that feeds them, and the public is defending their greed lmfao.
Did you not read the game requirements before purchasing? The amount of people making uneducated purchases on this game is sadly way too high, is that why people are adamant about defending this? So they don’t look bad for not reading multiple warnings…?
When the PSN linkage shit the bed on release they made it optional even though text listed it as required. They also sold it in countries that don't have PSN, furthering the fact that it was optional in practice.
Changing back to the original plan is still imposing a requirement well after release even if they said it was required.
Yeah so that’s exactly where arrowhead fucked up… isn’t it…? They should have been far more upfront to begin with, but they weren’t and have now thrown Sony under the bus. They knew exactly what they were doing while they had dollar signs in their eyes., but sure defend them….
Maybe they shouldn’t have made the issue out to be nothing? Where is their personal responsibility for what they created with this fiasco? They made the splash screen to explain the issue, they didn’t provide the required info did they? Or is it somehow Sonys fault for their splash screen….?
The selling outside of areas where PSN is available, is on the publisher, which is in this case Sony.
It is my laymen understanding they are the ones that control the Steam listing that allowed it to be sold everywhere in the first place. If this is the case, then Sony opened themselves up to a shit ton of liability and blame on that part.
I'm not alleviating Arrowhead of their issue in the matter, especially after they were warned in February that this issue in particular was going to be a shit show.
Why does everyone resort to shill/fanboy when someone points out something? Arrowhead ignored contract terms, how am I fanboy for pointing that out, but no one else is a shill for actively defending a corporation ignoring contract terms and bullying other corporations to get their way?
You can decry Sony for doing it than defend someone else, that’s hypocrisy and everyone is doing it here.
So, sure I’m a fanboy because I’m pointing out how arrowhead fucked up? Sure lmfao.