Which one?
Which one?

Which one?
Stick, easiest choice of my life
Rock, easiest choice of my life
You bring up a pretty strong argument, but I'll have to stick with my original choice chief
Hmm... You make a lot of arguments that are easily countered by the perfect choice of STICK!
Stick every time
Rock is the better investment here. Stick will decay and wither away. Rock is stronk and will last longer.
From the moment I understood the weakness of wood, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of stone. Your kind cling to your wood, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day, the crude biomass that you call the stick will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the rock is immortal. Even in death, I serve the Fossilliah.
Plus it beats scissors.
Nature has a much harder job creating the perfect rock. I’ll take it and keep my eyes out for another perfect stick.
Rock; stick can be carved easily.
...with the rock.
Stick because no way am I going to control the urge to skip that rock across the largest local body of water and it's gone.
I'd be so scared I'd break the stick.
It sounds like you’re imagining a stick with an imperfection…
Stick so I can share it with a dog. In a pinch, the stick can be broken and become more sticks. This is especially useful in a multi-dog scenario.
But the dogs don't need a perfect stick, they're content with the stick they're given.
They don't need it but they're worth it.
Obviously the stick, what are you going to do with a stupid rock?
Skip it across a lake
That rock would skip so fucking good, ooooh doggy!
This is why I wear cargo shorts
Finally My time
Easy, the stick. The rock isn't as round as the earth. The stick can build technique.
Witch. No stick is perfect nor is any rock...
Stick like that you can find on every third tree. I have never seen stone like that, definitely not IRL.
I have a rock just like the one pictured. Generally found in riverbeds or beaches that haven't turned it all into sand yet.
Stick seems much more useful
Then use the stick to take the rock. Smarmt.
humanity figures out warfare, colorized*
Big talk for someone in throwing distance.
You're acting as if my stick doesn't work as a throwing spear
Stick sword definitely
Rock, what use would have a stick?
Stick, what use would have a rock?
The stick, it has hand guards!
Stick I love sticks
There's a stick enthusiast community:
Holy stick!!
What a beautiful community. Thanks for sharing :)
I upvoted. But I also banned u/sjmarfx. Take from that what you will.
Why be poor? I would rather take Netanyahu's head.
Obviously the rock.
Are we going to have a duel?
The rock. I already have a sword.