Personally I think it's mostly nostalgia for me at this point. I liked them as a kid because we didn't get candy too often, and I could make these last a long time. I'd usually split each disc int 4 peices and just suck on each quarter until it was gone before eating the next one.
When I'd spend a summer week at my Grandma's in the early '60s, my cousin would take me to Luke's Store, where a dollar would buy a bag full of candies. Always included was a sleeve of Necco wafers.
I liked the flavors and would try to eat them slowly, but usually ended up crunching through them.
In 2018 when the Necco company went bankrupt, I was traveling a bit for work and would buy bags full wherever I found them. It was a relief when the Spangler company bought the brand and resumed production.
I also like them. Their flavors are very unique compared to other candies, and the texture is too. It's satisfying to crunch them, and the packaging+colors looks nice.
The formula change was before my time. I crunch every candy (except like, jawbreakers) so yeah crunch for these too. I do one at a time usually I think.