The total number of Nazis I know reaches all the way up to the high one. He lives nearby, has a flagpole, and sometimes changes his flag to the Confederate flag, the Israeli flag, the American flag, so on and so forth. The two things that remain the same at his house are his giant Trump billboard and his swastika.
Anyway, my case study of one Nazi isn't exactly scientific, but 100% of the single Nazi I know supports Israel killing Palestinians.
Zionism couldn't exist without antisemitism. It requires it in order to justify its colonial project. So yeah, nazis and zionists are pb&j. It's why they behave in an identical manner.
Bro. I have an Argentinian friend who's a straight up Nazi. Like doesn't even try to hide it. This guy posts pro Israel shit on his instagram all day. Don't ask me to explain why, because it confuses me too. I guess he sees them as fellow fascists.