The right doesn't have a problem with people refusing to vote for right-wing politicians because they want to punish them for not being right-wing enough.
Meanwhile the far-left goes on and on about how voting is pointless and you're a lib if you think voting can effect change, and then expect you to be insulted by that term
I think the far left is too perfectionist. They want some sort of mythical candidate that will check all the boxes and somehow still be electable in a general election, but that person isn’t coming. Meanwhile, the Right usually rallies the wagon around whichever sad sack-of-shit they’ve found. You’re not going to get who you want every time and you’re not going to get the change you want everytime. It’s about setting the conditions for that change to come that’s important, otherwise you’re just handing the initiative to the Right to make the change that they want.
This is not something you watch to "get informed". It is a video opinion essay, and if your primary source of information is opinion videos, that's deeply concerning. Do not tell people to "get informed" and then link a video where someone just talks about their opinion.
Nonetheless, I've watched this video and I agree with most of what it says. What I don't agree with is that participating in the current electoral system is fruitless. There are such things as primary elections. Right-wing voters have no problem exercising their political will in primary elections, pushing their party further right.
I do not profess that voting Democratic is the ultimate solution to our problems. In fact, my views are very similar to those professed in that video. But what I am saying is that people who tell others that "liberalism won't solve anything" or that merely voting in the general election isn't the solution without in the same breath describing what should be done instead are far more damaging than someone who does just vote in a general election and does nothing else.
I think centrists consider any criticism to be perfectionism and expect perfect lockstep behind the candidates that centrists consider perfect already.
One thing that helped me is realizing that Americans are mostly stupid, and they have more votes than me, so they're gonna make stupid decisions and there's nothing I can do about it.
Accepting the reality of America's shithole nature helped me stop thinking we could be better or, as you say, a "perfectionist."
Not wanting your candidate to arm a genocide is perfectionist?
It's not productive to label everyone who thinks the masses should be empowered as "far left". Unless you believe only the betters of humanity can make decisions and anyone getting the shaft should only grin and bare it.
I vote in every election, often over 6 in a year. I live in a red state so that means I'm voting for a candidate that barely agrees with me. How does that qualify for far left perfectionist?