A 24-country survey finds a median of 59% are dissatisfied with how their democracy is functioning, and 74% think elected officials don’t care what people like them think.
As Churchill once famously said, democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
I guess one of the nicest things about democracy is that it has a built-in mechanism for removing a government. It may not be reliable at getting good leaders in place, but at least when there's a bad one it has a way of getting them back out again without having to go in shooting.
Do you have any idea how long senators serve? Racist, violent, war hawk, regressive leaders stay in office in the USA for decades. How about family dynasties? The number of years American and European democracies are managed by family dynasties is terrible. And then of course you have fascists getting elected to high office in Italy.
All the evidence shows that Western democracies are going to end in violence.
Interestingly, Cuba has more democracy than anything ever experienced in the North Atlantic. Because the point isn't to use democracy to get representation, it's to use democracy to change society in the interests of the people.