Recommendations for single player games
Recommendations for single player games
Have you played any single player board games that you would recommend?
I’m looking to get a few games to play when everyone is out of the house and I don’t want to turn on the game box.
I’ve played Bargain Basement Bathysphere and March of the Ants. Looking for more!
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grannyweatherwax - terraforming mars
- mage knight
- nemesis
2 0 ReplyRoyalEngineering OP Ah! Terraforming Mars—I’ve never played the single player rules. I will check that out.
2 0 Replyletter_d If you have the digital version it offers a few different ways to play solo. Gives you different things to work towards/try out etc.
1 0 ReplyRoyalEngineering OP This might be a good option for me on iPad. Thanks!
1 0 Reply
Knecht Nemesis works fairly well as a solo game. Played it a few times solo. What's also really good is This War of Mine: the board game.
1 1 Reply
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