Recommended keyboard for Android
Recommended keyboard for Android
I've been using SwiftKey since before the Microsoft acquisition, but now I want to move on because it's pushing copilot.
What do you recommend? I'm fine with the play store or F-droid, and I'll pay for a good one if necessary
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HeliBoard has been my chosen SwiftKey replacement:
Features I value:
- Multilingual typing (as someone who writes EN, PT and dabbles on DE and NL daily, having to check which language I'm on and switch keyboards/layouts every time sucks)
- Glide typing (with optional closed source library)
- Clipboard history
- Comprehensive layout customization
- Autocorrect (with customizable level of confidence)
- Emoji selection and history
It does suck to see an app that I loved and paid for (yes, I used it for THAT long) get enshittified and try push AI* down my throat.
Not to mention M$ owning my typing history (which I kinda could live with).
RIP SwiftKey.
44 0 Replytakeheart
Just tried this one and it seems decent. most of all I'm noticing that it's way quicker to load than SwiftKey which has become soooo bloated.
7 0 Replydhhyfddehhfyy4673 Happen to know if it's going to be on f-droid at some point?
7 1 Replypacmondo It's not in the default F-droid repo, but you can get it on fdroid in the izzyondroid repo
15 0 ReplytinsukE
The latest release hints towards F-Droid availability:
Just updating 1.1 APKs would have created issues with incoming F-Droid build.
5 0 Replymalijaffri It's available on the IzzyOnDroid repo
4 0 Replytakeheart
If you add Izzy-on-Droid as a source to f droid you can install it from there.
3 0 ReplyCrayonRosary I downloaded it using Droid-ify. It's like F-droid without the F-droid drama, which i forgot the details of. Someone convinced me to switch and it was painless.
1 0 ReplyHiro8811
It's on froid
1 0 Reply