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bleistift2 If it doesn’t flush it’s probably the toilet paper, not your gigantuous dump. So waiting for the paper to dissolve somewhat will help.
7 0 ReplyTheGoldenGod OP
I think most flush before wiping, so not sure assuming it’s the toilet papers fault works in every situation.
1 12 ReplyObi
People flush before wiping?
23 1 ReplyTheGoldenGod OP
I do, seems like a smart to start to the clean up process. I was taught to since I was potty trained.
3 3 Reply
EarthasaurusRex who tf flushes before wiping
8 0 ReplyTheGoldenGod OP
I do, seems like a smart to start to the clean up process. I was taught to since I was potty trained.
2 4 ReplyEarthasaurusRex then you gotta flush twice
3 1 ReplyTheGoldenGod OP
Better than clogging a low flow toilet, newer toilets these days are a nice change.
2 0 Replyboonhet That's how you avoid having to call the plumber annually.
2 1 Replybleistift2 I’ve never called a plumber in my life despite only flushing once per session. But we might be from different parts of the world and experience different default plumbing diameters.
1 0 Reply
SpezChokesOnDik Flush, poop, raise lid, wipe, flush. That's the correct order.
1 1 ReplyEarthasaurusRex you poop then raise the lid?
5 0 Replytj111 What fucking lid?
3 0 Reply
Raistlin I don't know about most...
5 0 ReplyDandroid Flushing twice seems like a waste of water.
4 2 ReplydylanTheDeveloper
I wipe my butthole before I poop, poop then wipe so it's ends up like a shit lasagna
3 1 Replyoryx
Thank you, very cool!
4 0 Reply
PissinSelfNdriveway Sooo, how does it feel to find out your weird?
2 1 Reply