A severe heatwave is ongoing in Europe. Temperature records broken in France, Switzerland, Germany and Spain.
On 11 July 2023, the Land Surface Temperature (LST) in some areas of Extremadura (Spain) exceeded 60°C, as highlighted in this data visualisation derived from measurements from the Copernicus Sentinel-3 Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) instrument. The ongoing heatwave in Spain this week is resulting in a total of 13 autonomous communities, being at extreme risk (red alert), significant risk (orange alert), and risk (yellow alert) due to maximum temperatures that, in some cases, will exceed 40°C and reach a maximum of 43°C.
For reference, "in areas where vegetation is dense, the land surface temperature never rises above 35°C. The hottest land surface temperatures on Earth are in plant-free desert landscapes."
i don’t think anyone will until literally their house is on fire.
This is what scientists meant when they said that climate change will lead to mass migration. It simply will be impossible or just disproportionately complicated to keep living in the most affected parts of the world. Too bad that 2.5 billion people are living there.
And those super rich greedy fuckers responsible for climate change are now rubbing their hands (like flies) in glee, because they know that you can make a shitload of money of such large events. Especially if you already have a lot of money.
As if the people with the Power (mainly from money) haven't adjusted the context in which we live so that:
Most people don't have the information (notice how so many unethical companies hide behind brands and Libel Legislation is used to stop news of malpractices).
Most don't have the option to drop a job out of principle (born into a World were ALL Land already has owners and not being scions of the Owner Class, most of us are born to work for the Owners - as we are born not owning the means of production - to then pay the Owners for a roof over our heads - as we are born not owning our home or land for it - and for food in our tables - as we are born not owning the land in which to grow our own food).
Most are de facto powerless and convinced there is nothing they can do to chance things, often already aware of the corruption whilst excusing their own innaction about it with "they're all like that" and "there's nothing I can do to change it".
I would go as far as saying that the interiorization by many of "solutions" of the "lets go after the symptoms of the problems of the system" rather than "lets change the system" like that which you are suggesting, is a massive victory for those who gain the most from the Current System: whilst people fight on a case by case basis to fix individual results of underlying systemic flaws - which are constantly producing new such problematic results, like a disease that causes the same symptoms again and again if you don't cure it and only take pills to reduce the symptoms - they're actually not fixing the foundational flaws in the system.
I see tons of this misguided behaviour in the "modern" Left: I call it the "The car is fine, it only needs a few screw thightenned" misguided pseudo-leftist politics.
.. :( i upvoted you and lost a huge reply... i uh.. sad.
I'll summarise.
We have a lot more power than we give ourselves credit for, or realise. People need to sit down and find their power and then apply it. They rigged the system but its just a minor thing if you could see through it. It's mostly about increasing the % of people trying and increasing their effectiveness while trying. This system is on the verge of collapse and even tiny inputs at this stage are heavily in our favour.
We are lied to about how to solve the problem. They make problems and frame them as the root cause, we then waste our lives chimping out trying to deal with symptoms.
Where does 'unethical' start? I used to translate marketing copy and I was miserable because it felt so dishonest. Now I translated user manuals instead, but I'm still embedded in the same consumerist system. It's difficult. I would like to grow edible mushrooms instead but need to buy land for that, so I keep feeding the bullshit industry in the meantime. Or I would prefer to translate only for worker owned companies, but there are not enough of those.
I think that it's really up to ourselves to figure out our own code of ethics and how to apply them. It takes time and effort to slowly refine them. We will be forced to violate our standards against more than we like, but all that matters is we give it an honest go. I don't expect people to hurt themselves trying too much, just as long as we try a bit.
As for worker coops or good companies, the real issue is that not enough people are aware or ready to band together and try to start one. I have no real idea how to do it properly and aren't in a position to really try. If you could genie wish for people like you that are interested to be obviously visible, you might be surprised about how many would be willing to help near you.
Sometimes just finding locals to vent to can start something big or at least help you feel better about it.
I didn't mention it before, but, thank you for doing the right thing. Most people I know wouldn't even attempt to and would use excuses like "I'm one person my actions mean nothing"(which I tend to hear in deafening unison by many people), or I don't know how to help while simultaneously not trying to figure out how to help.
Not even then sometimes. In Germany, there was a small village buried under a mudslide from a flashflood that was a direct consequence of extreme weather patterns created by climate change. That same village overwhelmingly voted for conservative politicians that don't care about doing anything about climate change the very next year.
For a while now, the question of democracy has been haunting the climate change issue. In the west, at least, it has shown itself ill-suited to the task of handling climate change. Of course, seriously proposing older forms of government would be dangerous and perhaps even insane. But the tension is there, and when we look back on all of this, democracy, or the form we have, is likely not going to look good.
I've spent last August sitting in the shade listening to the music from the village parties mixed with the sound of the airplane engines flying over a nearby forest fire. It was bizarre. But then, what is one to do really? People who live around here aren't really the ones to blame. Can't really blame them for still wanting to have their village party.
While I, who does give a shit, do little more than eating local and avoiding consumerism. Eating the rich might me more efficient, but there's none around here, we just have grapes and potato.
'Crazy train' describes well the feeling I had last summer. Like the 'this is fine' meme. And this summer will be the same. You hide, keep your garden watered, and hope the fires won't get you this year. All while the officials keep advising to plant more Eucalyptus for profit and organic matter is blamed for the problem and burned for biofuel or on people's fields - instead of reincorporated into the landscape as it should be. Here in Portugal, for animal bedding, most buy straw bales from the overheated because desertified Extremadura instead of cutting the Giesta (broom) as people used to do. Why are the Spanish straw bales cheaper? Because fossil fuels and the big scale agriculture attached to them create a fake price for the straw (I'm not an economist and don't know the right terms, but it's like the prices for fossil fuels and their derivates don't contain the environmental damage caused by its use). And the Giestais, unused, grow and spread the wildfires.
In Economic terms, it's Negative Externalities not being reflected in the price.
Negative Externalities are negative effects of an economic activity which are dispersed in their effect and thus affect everbody but just a little each (while the positives are all gains for the people doing that activity). These are things like Polution, destruction of Ecological Systems, emission of Global Warming gases and so on - there are quite a lot of things that are like that.
Mathematically (and in practice) the Free Market will never compensate for those (quite the contrary: it makes them more likely), which is why some kind of legislation which is actually enforced is needed to control such things.
This being Portugal, there is no political will to control most of those things (rivers are only clean nowadays because the EU forced it) so either there is no legislation, there is but it's toothless, there is but the fines are way less than the profits from law-breaking or there is but those supposed to uphold the law are activelly hindered in their work, have no real power to do so or are starved of funds so can't in practice do the job (just notice how the Comission for Transparency of Income of Politicians in Public Office has been for years waiting for approval for the location of their HQ)
The country might as well change its name to Cronyist Crookland.
That's it, negative externalities. Thanks for reminding me of the word. Which group would I support if I wanted to change something in Portugal? I have found a lot of middle class 'feel good activism' (planting trees which then die, talking endlessly about what to do, pass the same old advice to fellow citizens ...), but that doesn't really cut it. The country is a beautiful banana republic and has a few nice valleys to hide in, and I have been living here long enough to want to help protect these places. How can we hold accountable the industries who want to come here to destroy and extract?
Frankly, having even become a member of a supposedly thinking leftwing party in Portugal, I have concluded that the country is screwed as there really isn't any strategical thinking or even merelly political ideas constructed from the bottom up out of principles: it's all tribalism, celebrity culture, slogan parroting and people with a ridiculously narrow life experience improvising politics in the spot.
Looking around, I don't think there is a single political movement in the country with an actual thought through strategy or vision for improving things. Politics in Portugal is a microcosmos of the management culture in the country - which I can tell you from experience is amazingly bad compared to the rest of Europe - only with people that are even worse than that perry lousy average.
Heirs of a cold war
That's what we've become
Inheriting troubles I'm mentally numb
Crazy, I just cannot bear
I'm living with something' that just isn't fair
Northern India saw intense heatwaves just a few weeks back and now is being drowned. Indians are used to heatwaves and floods, but this year the intensity and scale both are frightening.
This was the reason it changed from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change". More energy is being dumped into the weather system. This makes everything more extreme. The heating is almost incidental to it. The extra energy is the killer.
Yyyyep. We've never been prepared for our normal weather here for whatever reason, and I simply can't wait for winters to worsen too, now that it's very visibly tipped over the edge. /s
I'd rather die in heat than cold, which insinuates it's definitely going to be the latter.