An independent and seven Democrats argued in a letter that the administration had run afoul of a part of a law that bars military aid from going to any country that blocks humanitarian aid.
Need some better options beyond two old genocidal fucks. Can’t expect the GOP to better, so can only hold the Dems accountable.
This is a great reason to get involved in local politics and organizing. We don't put nearly enough effort into putting up more progressives in primaries. Not just the big races, we need to be hitting everything. School boards, city councils, statehouses, every single race. If you don't have good options in your area, recruit one or run yourself. Our only way out of this is by taking over the Democratic Party (while increasing/maintaining Democrats control away from the GOP) and getting rid of FPTP voting.
For now this is 100% wishful thinking and not useful, and actually a Russian point of propaganda to undermine Biden.
If you want any choices at all next time, you must vote for Biden, Trump is openly planning to dismantle democracy in USA.
Not voting doesn't hold the Democrats accountable it sacrifices Palestinian lives here in America on the altar of Bougyeviks feeling good about owning the moderates.
Source, am Palestinian American, sister who's pale as moonlight got called sand removed and towel head soon as some Redcaps found out judna min beitla7m, and I still got threatened with being "krav magga-ed in the throat" when some Israeli chick found me out at a model UN meeting.
You do us no favors trying to punish the establishment Dems by not voting, you just use our dead as set dressing for your own refusal to engage with the world we actually live in.
Who do you think would beat the incumbent in the primaries? Who did you vote for?
I'm of the opinion Biden was far better than I expected on many issues. I hope to see him steer the government in a better direction on Israel, but there is a long-term (alliance?!)/vested interest between America and Israel that isn't just snapped away overnight by 1 man.
He also represents a nation with a majority Republican government steering 2/3 branches of our government. The Republicans have been very clear with their intentions on this genocide.
It will always be up to you if you want to provide solutions or empty criticism.