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odium TIL Wayland is named after a town
227 0 ReplyDunstabzugshaubitze so is dracut and weston.
i think that naming software after towns in Massachusetts is somekind of red hat in-joke.
115 2 Replycogman It's even neater. The name of towns/cites cannot be trademarked. The safest thing you can do when naming a project is naming it after a town so you don't run into legal troubles in the future.
122 0 ReplyDrWeevilJammer
cogman You can eventually trademark once you get big enough. As with all things law it's a bit tricky. However, the default is that geographic locations aren't trademarkable.
For further reading on when you can trademark.
29 0 Reply
Railcar8095 Who's going to take this as legal advice and name a project Apple?
20 0 Reply
fruitycoder Openstack releases are named after the nearest town to conference that matches the next series in the alphabet.
18 0 Reply
I always thought it was the corp from the Alien series. 🤓
38 0 ReplyBeigeAgenda
That's Weyland-Yutani
28 0 ReplyCaveman In the Brolien universe it's called Wheyland
9 0 Replyiegod In the mass obsessed universe it's called Weighland.
4 0 ReplyOldManBOMBIN In the map obsessed universe it's called Wayland.
Very similar to our universe, that one.
3 0 Reply
callmepk OP
17 0 ReplySwordInStone I always thought this was the origin
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