So I had a verbal conversation with a coworker yesterday and now I'm getting fed very specific ads. No possible way it's accidental. I have most of the microphone access to apps limited, I have Google assistant turned off and no VPA setup in my home. I use a Oneplus 9 pro, does anyone have recommendations on how to further root cause this or just par for the course for using any standard android OS? Have other folks had similar experience after locking down their stock phones?
It's scary how accurate they can predict you with what data they have; they don't need to tap your microphone.
You're on a OnePlus; there's always a status bar icon if the microphone is active.
Think of what led to your conversation? Everything related to it you saw or searched online that could've later triggered you to talk about the subject, could also trigger them to serve you ads about it later. Perhaps your friend was the one, and the ad companies have linked you together, ie. by tracking your location and contacts.
And now you've noticed the adverts, you'll notice them much more, where you'd normally ignore them completely. Furthermore, if you noticed these ads, you might've clicked them or stopped scrolling and stared at them too long in a wtf moment and now the ad companies know, so they'll serve you a whole lot more of the same.
I've seen ads for things I've only thought about but haven't actually done any searches or even talked about yet. Innocuous stuff too, like a movie I wanted to buy on DVD. An older movie at that.
They are probably just predictions based on the data the advertising companies gathered on you and you just happened to notice the ones that you only thought about.
You're on a OnePlus; there's always a status bar icon if the microphone is active.
This is a feature I think for all new Androids (at least pixel). BUT it does not cover all apps. System apps can hide it. Quick example, activate Google assistant voice activation. You should be seen the icon all the time, but likely you don't.