There’s more than one type of concert truck dude… there’s tractor trailer (won’t send on residential roads) and a bodyjob. Which are legal for residential roads. One can hold more, so it weighs more, and would damage those roads, so they get fined if they send large vehicles down them. This isn’t a lie, this is a fact lmfao. And you want to claim it’s not? Read the NHTSA legislation, it’s all right there for you in ways to digest format.
They have more tires that have a larger footprint so its weight is distributed more, that’s what matters, not the weight, the psi it exerts onto the ground. You would be surprised to find they exert less force overall than other vehicles, but I know you won’t ever believe this lmfao.
Theres is also weight limited roads. Did you not learn about these during drivers ed…?