I think it is time to talk about immigration, it is the gateway to all this rubbish. Conservatives, liberals, social democrats and socialists believe that not talking about it is a solution, as if putting hundreds of thousands of people with low incomes and different cultures was not going to generate conflicts.
I'm not talking about closing borders, or abandoning them in their countries, or expelling them, I don't know what the solution is, but to ignore the problem, to label as racist anyone who complains or questions the situation. Bold proposals are needed that do not ignore the challenges or we will return
Well, I'm not from Germany, I don't know the particularities of this case, but I do see that all of Europe, migration is the place where his speech enters the table.Then they put the things of each one, that if the south is lazy, that if Europe keeps the money for health, that if such a region is going to break the country. victimhood and fear they don't only grow where there are real reasons for it and facing the problem instead of despising whoever sees it usually gives better results in the long run
Okay, then elaborate please, what's the situation like?
I'm just transposing what I know from Swedish politics, given that Germany also has municipal counties with a certain degree of input. In Sweden, the 2018-2022 government tried (and failed, due to legal problems) to overrule municipal councils where the Sweden Democrats were influencing their governing coalitions to refuse to receive asylum seekers, in some cases even paying other municipalities to receive them instead.
Hence that voting districts with high SD voter counts now have fewer migramts than other parts of the country.
No, it's more like most of those regions have low economic opportunities to begin with and that's why not many people migrate there. Conversely especially young and educated people leave those places for greener pastures.
Also note that it also makes sense that areas with higher immigration backgrounds to yield less votes (as a relative proportion of total votes) for the AFD. Simply because people with immigration background would be stupid to vote against their own interests.