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I_like_cats It's easy. Just open up a terminal and type
kill $PID
(Replace the $PID with the process id of the process) if you don't know the process id you can do
killall process_name
If these don't work you can add a
to banish them and give them no chance to resist28 0 Replyunalivejoy Similarly,
is the current PID,$PPID
is the parent PID. (Bash)5 0 ReplyHappyFrog So 'kill -9 $$' is just suicide?
3 0 Replyunalivejoy With suicide, you have a chance to get your affairs in order.
kill -9 $$
is hiring an assassin to kill you and not tell you when it will happen. It happens suddenly without warning.5 0 Replyjoulethief You can type
for that3 0 Reply
SoonaPaana Also please refresh my memory on how to find the process ID
5 0 ReplyI_like_cats You can do
ps aux | grep -i <part of process name>
and the PID is in the second column of the output. However for this use case I recommend a process manager like htop or btop
10 0 Replyassaultpotato I use
ps -aux | grep $EXECUTABLE
5 0 ReplyRefurbished Refurbisher htop or any process monitor will tell you.
2 0 Replygayhitler420 Pidof
1 0 ReplyKrzd
top for Ubuntu at least will show you the top processes, I think sorted by averaged CPU usage.
1 0 Reply
You probably want to get on the habit of using pkill instead of killall in case you're ever on a different system. You could have a surprise.
4 0 Reply