Shots have been fired in Kansas City during the celebration parade for the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl win, police said. Follow here for the latest.
The only thing more American than the Super Bowl is a mass shooting.
This makes me incredibly sad. We can't have shit in this country due to pathetic and incompetent governance. What's worse is that it will take a generation of time for us to dig out of this hole even if we start moving 100% in the right direction, today. It makes me sick.
Taking our heads out of the sand is a start. I would go into more detail but I checked your profile and I don’t think I’ll convince you of anything so we will just leave it here. Not in the mood for an argument over the same shit that keeps happening in this country.
It's sad that you think you can't discuss anything because of your prejudice against what you imagine the other person is like. Just be brave and say what you want anyway. Snooping at people's profiles is a level of investment in this whole endeavor that I've never found worthwhile, so I don't recommend it.
No, you failed to comprehend what I wrote actually. The point was that I don't give a fuck what you or anybody's comment history has in it. You can look at mine all day long and I don't give a fuck either. The point being, that only lame nerds waste their time doing that.
I'm proud of my comments, please read and examine every one of them if you want. I personally choose not to waste my time on that lame bullshit though because I'm a cool dude with better things to do.