The Senate is working to pass a $95.3 billion foreign aid bill with assistance for Ukraine and Israel, but it may be days until a final vote as GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has vowed to use arcane and complex chamber rules to slow the pace of passing a bill.
The Senate is working to pass a $95.3 billion foreign aid bill with assistance for Ukraine and Israel, but it may be days until a final vote as GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is using arcane and complex chamber rules to slow down the process into the weekend.
The chamber cleared a critical 60-vote threshold to advance the bill on Thursday, and took another procedural vote Friday night. But without an agreement from all 100 senators to speed up the process and swiftly pass the legislation, the Senate is expected to work through the weekend with a final vote next week.
“I think we should stay here as long as it takes,” Paul told CNN’s Manu Raju on Thursday. “If it takes a week or a month, I’ll force them to stay here to discuss why they think the border of Ukraine is more important than the US border.”
EDIT: Oooh this triggered some people. Fight my words, don’t blithely downvote bc I’m outside the orthodoxy. Naziesque/ultranationist Telegram channels below, and yes they are all actively fighting in AFU
Meat Squad, seemingly dead channel, but members openly displayed swastika tattoos
War Hatred, was heavily involved in defense of Bahkmut, now forming an ultranationalist paramilitary militia outside AFU oversight. Black sun openly on display.
Ukraine absolutely has an undercurrent of far-right, ultra nationalism in its populace, and yes there are definitely Nazis in the AFU who get excused with a wink because they tend to also be part of very effective units. I can link you to multiple Telegram channels where borderline Nazi/white supremacist iconography is displayed openly, and the commenters encourage it
I’m tired of seeing Black Suns^ and Totenkopfs^ drawn and placed on gear we provide them, let alone the gear and weapons the Ukrainians provide to the Russian separatists- who are openly white supremacist
Azov battalion cleaned their most problematic leadership in like 2022 before they were folded into the AFU, but their founding leader was invited back from exile in Turkey last fall
Ukraine has a budding far-right problem, and will continue to do so as long as they look the other way. Slava Ukraini, but fuck dude there is a problem there that needs addressing outside of shutting down low effort Russian trolls
^ Yes I know it’s not 100% a Nazi icon. It’s a huuuge dog whistle though
Never said that Ukraine, the Kyiv leadership, AFU or any organization was fascist. There’s an undercurrent of far-right nationalism that they have been reluctant to fully address, and there’s open evidence these actors are recruiting
It is a problem. The discussion is about how you think it’s okay for Russia to invade Ukraine due to the Nazis in its populace, but you won’t say the same thing about America even though it’s in the exact same situation.
Criticism of their blind eye to far-right & ultranationalist wings does not mean I think Russia is justified lol
Grow up and understand what nuance is, I’ve been supporting Ukrainian self determination throughout this conflict.
No I just have an attention span longer than five minutes. You accuse me of trolling with a troll. Nazi, fascist, all the same; unless you argue Israel couldn’t possibly be genociding Palestinians and bibi isn’t a fascist because such a statement is antisemitic. In which case tell Noam, he probably cares more than I do about your false accusations.
Why do you keep using social virtue signals to prove you’re right? People can be right about one thing and wrong about another. You and certain other users gang-dragged me before and I stuck by my position, agree with you on others and I’m not worried you disagree, using only insults and social virtue signaling to do. I said what I said. I dummy agree with taxpayer dollars supporting fascism, at home or abroad.
Yes; idk but it’s certainly hive mind; so your asking if I was from a certain server wasn’t an insult in your mind, nor your whole holier-than-thou condescending tone in all the posts past and present, wrt the same topic: disingenuous at best, sure. Here, this user said it all, after the first time you particular three brigaded Mr the first time I expressed myself wrt funding Nazis, I resolved to no longer waste time defending my position:, but this user thoughtfully used a lot of time to make good points, which probably won’t phase you.
Wait... so you think we're literally psychically linked? Because, believe it or not, I don't even know who else you're talking about when you say "you particular three."
Also, that user did not claim Zelensky is a Nazi. You did. You have done nothing to support that claim. Maybe do that rather than claim I insulted you when I didn't and implying I have ESP.
So I'm not sure which ones of those are wild or where I put words in your mouth. I'm also not sure why you have to lie like that.
Furthermore, I'm not sure why you would indignantly accuse me of insulting you, deny you accused me of insulting you, then insult me by calling me an immature child.
Nice try, but unfortunately for you, I'm able to read.
Also, I notice you didn't address the whole 'immature child' thing right after complaining about me insulting her. I guess you think it's okay when she does it but not okay when you decide I do.