Russian propaganda molded a big part of a nation and some of its media into a submissive lab dog. Amazing that it became the Republican Party cozening up to Russia and making this 180° turn of it previous stance without losing the empty mind of their followers, as Russia transformed themself closer to the republican extreme it is today creating a match made in hell. Brother in heart, cruel, authoritarian, corrupt, brass, lying, projecting, and slaying anyone who falls out of line.
And in the End of all the politics Bowtie-Tucky sits on Putins lab, panting, drooling, like the spineless overbred dog he is.
Carlson is a millionaire funded by billionaires (Rutger Bregman).
I don’t see the contradiction, Russia went from the center of a nominally socialist union to a hypercapitalist libertarian dictatorship, of course the Republicans are going to try and support it.