What a ridiculous take. First of, outside of certain parts of the internet most people aren't even aware of the issues surrounding Rowling, secondly you can very much acknowledge that she's a terrible excuse for a human being while still enjoying a game she had nothing to do with (yes, she gets royalties, but she has the kind of fuck you money that multiplies by merely existing anyway).
I'm not. I'm calling out people who call me a bigot for not living up to their standards on ethical consumption. Personally I avoid Nestlé and their billion subsidiaries wherever humanly possible, but I am not calling everyone who doesn't pro-slavery. That's my issue, not the warranted labelling of Rowling as a bigoted piece of shit.
Ah yes the "I cant be racist, I have a black friend" defense. JKR is still a TERF and she still financially benefits from hogwarts legacy and no amount of tokenism is going to change that.
If you stand by what you preach you should basically stop buying anything. No matter what, a billionaire is getting your money, and they are all pieces of shit I promise.
It's genuinely amazing to me how some people are obsessed with the idea that buying a videogame based on the works of an author that wasn't even involved in making the project makes you transphobic.
Would it shock you that 99% of corporate officials are bad people? I guess we should stop buying anything ever because some percentage of money can go to people I don't like.
She's literally said that people buying her shit proves she's right.
I'm sorry people have some more morals with their money and have trouble giving it to people who have made it their entire focus to shit on them and be called rapists and groomers by their former childhood heroes.
Your morals are fine, what isn't fine is that most of the people boycotting the game are harassing people that buy it.
She’s literally said that people buying her shit proves she’s right.
So what? Why is everyone giving some dumbass writer that hasn't been relevant in 10 years so much attention? Who cares what she says? Tons of people say terrible, stupid things on the internet. Sorry I'm not joining your crusade to call everyone that wants to enjoy a video game a bigot.
They may not be bigots themselves but they happily give their money to a person well known for being bigoted that also actively tries to make the world a worse place for trans people. It is like buying a burzum album; you don't have to be a nazi to do it but the nazi still profits.
My girlfriend literally was bullied by coworkers for playing the game. And she is the absolute sweetest. It is completely ridiculous
If I cared, I could easily go into the above dude's post history to find an example of his money going towards some bigot to prove he's a hypocrite. It doesn't matter what you buy, your money is supporting bigotry, because at the top of the human social hierarchy are bigots. Welcome to the world. Picking on fellow peasants for something out of their hands is wrong.
I don't even have to dig come to think of it, dude is typing to us on a device assembled by slaves or maybe even child slaves.
Because she's actively using her money to make trans people's lives worse, and she's influencing people by spreading her hateful views. It absolutely doesn't mean nothing - she's literally lobbying with the money you gave her!
Ok, but I mentioned this above, it's literally impossible to live in society and not have your money funneling into a billionaire's pockets who's lobbying against your best interest.
Just in the realm of video games, probably buying the majority of games results in your money going to an objectively bad cause. Most rich people are scum.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Sure, some of your money will probably always end up with bad people, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to prevent that. There are different kinds of bad, and those who try to hurt minorities have to be broadly pushed back against by broader society, or it will have negative effects on those who often already face undue hardships.
Of course, my issue is the people bullying others for their choices when they themselves could be doing better. I can't stand hypocrites.
I bet all the people in this thread calling people bigots eat meat for every meal which to me is straight deplorable behaviour. But I'm not here to judge, I have my own faults too.