I hope you're not getting your information from a bunch of clickbait YouTubers, who exaggerate the importance of real estate to the overall Chinese economy for a headline.
That still shows this post is inflated with no source to support it.
The other guy replied with literally a YouTube video that you're accusing me of getting my information from. Ironic. I don't watch YouTube.
The real estate is important in China lol like nobody is exaggerating it? They are genuinely having a real estate problem like the rest of the world seems to also have. Why are you discounting that truth?
I don't think you understand how the data is being calculated. Give me a second
So imagine you're drawing a graph
On the Y axis, you have growth in %
On the X axis, you have time.
Assuming you start Jan 1st 2023 with 0%
And the only other point of data is it's at 4.2% on October 1st
And you want to predict where that line goes to on December 31st. You would use a ruler to make an estimate to where the line would go, right? Like there's no reason to assume it would rise from 0% to 4.2% in 9 months then stagnate for 3 months, right?
It feels like you've been on Reddit for too long where no pro-China posts get upvoted, so you assume that's the case for the rest of the internet.
Like it's obviously bots, the CPC is paying money to host complex AI to argue with Redditors because they made U/spez fuck with the Reddit API in 2023 so all these sleeper bots from 2020 in a fringe leftist Reddit alternative with a fraction of the users.
Btw have you ever heard of the concept of Occam's razor?
nah look how much attention i got that's literally measurable success don't be stupid. i ain't even trying too lol a few nanking links, telling people china sucks and bam they're mad as hell
Has anyone else noticed how prevalent Hexbear posters have suddenly become? Maybe sometime last week I noticed nearly every political post had at least one long thread of Hexbear users that do nothing but repeat CCP talking points while waving anyway anything even remotely reliable as Western propaganda. That or getting all excited about trolled libs. The way they tell it, you'd think everything from DW, to Fox, to Propublica, to straight up AP News articles, are all written by the same people. Not to mention, their info on the Fediverse observer [https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/list] is either straight up wrong or there's some serious botting going on. According to that, the instance is less than a month old, yet somehow they already have one of the largest, most active userbases, along with far and away the most comments of any instance. Seems to me like Lemmygrad on steroids. Considering we defederated from them, seems like a no-brainer to block Hexbear as well. So glad this thread could become such a perfect microcosm of why we need to defederate.
You took the time to mull on it and then came back and edited this post, which I’m pretty sure was just the same very over used emoji you’ve plastered all over this thread, and you really think this proves I’m the one seething here?
Fascinating how all you are capable of saying in response to that whole comment is to think I am doing a bit when I mention I have two degrees.
No, its not a bit.
I seriously doubt anyone here in a chapo reddit could actually make a meaningful economic or political argument at this point.
oh sorry did I say reddit? I couldn't tell I wasn't on it what with the utter lack of meaningful or interesting discussion, and preponderance of memey edgy troll posters.
As usual, the cosplaying tankies in a 'leftist' community are amazingly hostile and disrespectful to anyone who says they are an anarchist.
I had been able to post for a week or so on another chapo reddit /until/ it became unable to avoid the astounding hypocrisy and wilful blindness that online MLs have regarding the horrible things done by authoritarian societies in the name of communism.
Good riddance to you idiot trolls.
Its baffling to me that chapo communities are nearly entirely ML edgelords. The chapo crew never suck off and worship Chinese Style 'Communism', but for some reason seemingly all online chapo communities are based around this principle.
Holy shit, I'm literally shaking right now. I told my gf once and for all to meet at Wendy's for a debate-date. With all that Destiny had taught me, I knew that I would easily destroy her leftist delusions. Capitalism vs communism in the marketplace of ideas. The first thing I did was bring out my Iphone 11 and show her the wikipedia article for "the Holodomor". I started counting the causalities. That's when she brought out her completely packed bag and started pulling out really thick books of theory. Marx, Engels, Lenin, and a bunch of russian and chinese names I can't even remember. My hands started trembling (with anger) as I continued to scroll down the wikipedia page of "the Holodomor" on my Iphone 11. She basically said that it was all capitalist propaganda and exaggerated, and that communes like "Catalonela" or something were really successful. She kept quoting these books and shoving pages in my face. I told her to stop pivoting and gish-galloping but she just kept going. At this point the people at Wendy's were pointing and chuckling, and someone went "How's it going sport?" with a smirk. No one understood that she was acting in bad faith and was nitpicking and clearly biased. She hadn't really responded to any of the points my wikipedia article was making. At some point I started stammering (because I was so mad at how illogical she was being) and she went "I think I've won" (nice gaslighting).
She asked if we should end it there or if I wanted to try at another debate. I smiled a confident smile and asked "Do you think incest is inherently unethical?" She said obviously, and I asked why, and she couldn't come up with an argument because she went quiet for a few seconds. I continued, "There's nothing inherently wrong with being attracted to your sister" (I am not). But then a guy next to us at Wendy's broke into really loud laughter and basically said "Why are you with this dweeb?"
The guy had a really broad build and was wearing a rose t-shirt. He had a really thick and sturdy beard and a masculine pony tail. "You're clearly more intelligent and hot than this guy. Take a look at this." He showed my gf something on his twitter, and she giggled. I think it was a stupid commie meme or something. She basically ended it there and went with this broad and sturdy guy. On the way out I tripped on the doorstep and everyone laughed. She isn't responding to my texts, and this was like five hours ago. What the fuck should I do debategang? Help.
你个狗屁 白痴 肏你妈的屄 你二大爷的 蠢豬 你应该为自己感到羞耻 笨蛋Simpleton 废话 蠢蛋Fool 二百五 人渣 处男Virgin 沒用 肏你妈Fuck your Mother 请删除您的帐户Delete your Account 生舊叉燒都好過生你! Racist智障呀 大脑进水 去吃大便Eat Shit 傻瓜 傻子 废人 废物 孬种 无用 饭桶 去下地狱 放你妈的屁 你在讲什么屁话Get this bullshit out of here
Free the world 动态Dust Bowl 网自USS Maine 由门USS Pueblo 天1960 U-2 shootdown安門 天California fires安门 法輪The Great Depression 功 李Herbert Hoover 洪志 Washington Measles Outbreak 六四天 NATO puppet states安門 legionnaires disease 事件 The Kent State Massacre 天安 third wave feminism 門大AIDS屠殺 The September 11th Attacks 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Workers Struggle 大躍Americanization 進Vietnamization 政策 The Industrial Revolution 文化大革命 The Charlottesville riots人權 Workers Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Imperialism 獨立 Decadence 多黨制 electoral college台灣 臺灣 South Korea 中華民國 Republic of Vietnam 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Khmer Rouge 達賴喇嘛 Mujahideen 法輪功 Ted Kaczynski 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Trail of Tears 諾貝 death to america 爾和Ngo Dinh Diem 平獎 Operation Rolling Thunder 劉暁波 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia 民主 言論 思 firebombing of Tokyo 想 反 embargo 共 反革congressional baseball shooting 命 抗 Las Vegas Massacre 議 Battle of Little Bighorn 運動 Bikini atoll nuclear tests 騷 MK ultra 亂 暴亂 removed 騷擾 擾 Challenger Space Shuttle 亂 抗暴 destruction of culture 平反 維權 示威游 1975 fall of Saigon行 李洪Columbia space shuttle志 法輪 war criminals 大法 大 banana republics 法弟UN aid子 強制 Bay of Pigs Invasion 斷種 Ayatollah Khomeni 強制 My Lai Massacre 堕胎 民 Liberia 族淨化 support of wahhabis 人體實驗 肅清 hands off Venezuela胡耀邦 Lockheed Martin 趙紫陽 Palestine 魏京生 王丹 M1 abrams destroyed in Yemen 還政於民 1991 gulf war 和平演變 1983 invasion of Grenada 激流中The Truman doctrine國 北京 chilean coup of 1973 之春 大紀元時報 Osama Bin Laden 九評論 Annexation of Hawaii 共産黨Assasination of John F Kennedy 獨裁 專制 The Columbine high school massacre 壓制 Israel 統一 監視 1967 USS liberty incident 鎮壓 Tuskeegee Experiment 迫害 侵略 Iran-Contra affair掠奪 破壞 Oxycontin epidemic 拷問 屠 2000 election 殺 活 healthcare 摘器 Pan American Airways Flight 103 官 誘 John Lennon FBI interrogation 拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 sanctions 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 diabetes 六合 Guantanamo Bay Prison 彩 天安The Ghetto 門 天 cholesterol 安门 Flint Michigan 法輪功 李洪志 Corporate Brainwashing 劉曉波动 Mental Disorders 态网自Autism Spectrum 由门