Small fan switch sanity check.
Small fan switch sanity check.
Circuit is for controlling the fan on a Raspberry Pi, just on/off according to temp, no PWM. Not sure about the diode as it has a .7V drop and it's a tiny brushless DC motor. No markings on the fan so I measured the current with a multimeter when hooking it up to a USB charger. Circuit was adapted from here using what I have on hand.
Suggestions? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
*EDIT: Confirmed, this circuit works on a Raspberry Pi 4. Base was wired to GPIO 17 and manually tested using commands:
raspi-gpio set 17 op dh
raspi-gpio set 17 op dl
I didn't use a breadboard, just hack-n-slash with the wires coming out of the fan, the leads on the thru hole components, a jumper connected to gpio 17 as a socket for the base/resistor lead, and heat shrink tubing for insulation. Folded it up as I closed the housing. Case combo including heatsinks and fan here.
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The diode is a fly back diode, it’s just circuit protection no need to worry about it.
Yah. I added it as the original didn't have one. Think I should keep it?
It's fine, won't cause any problems.
Will do.
Well, It does no harm to the rest. So I would keep it.