This has been going on for twenty-five years. The system was originally rolled out in 1999. I've been hearing stuff about this case off and on for about a decade now.
Why the living fuck isn't everyone involved with every step of this process behind bars.
The wildest shit is it's not even Fujitsu to blame! It's some fucking idiots in charge at Royal Mail who literally fraudulently edited statements from Fujitsu to claim that there were no errors and the system was working.
They used these false statements as justification to prosecute, imprison, and fine hundreds of Postal Employees.
What a waste of time, money, resources, and human fucking life.
Fujitsu aren't blameless, not at all. They were going into user's accounts and fiddling figures, correcting the errors the software made.
Then when a sub-postmaster went to their office and saw this, they retaliated by setting his account to debit and erased records of him being there. It may well be that many of the victims were targeted for complaining that the system was flawed.
What infuriates me is that the only reason anyone gave a shit is because ITV made a (frankly, okayish) drama about the scandal. Now, politicians are ripping the law apart to save face, alongside trying to point fingers away from those responsible. Jail time is absolutely needed. People have had their entire careers ruined by this, and while they all deserve a huge payout, no amount of money will fix the damage caused.
Weren't there also Fujitsu employees in the Braknell office also remote connecting to Horizon terminals and post offices and fucking with the numbers in there?