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Please God let this be a humorous post that somehow does not also find a way to manage to come true...
107 2 Replyjtk I would have bought it if they said ifnot instead, it's the same number of characters and wouldn't require a major parser overhaul to support keywords with a ' in the name.
89 0 ReplyPup Biru
i mean, “unless” tends to be the usual term for an “if not” keyword in languages that implement such a thing
45 0 ReplyFal
Which is awful and incredibly confusing. I hate ruby
24 4 ReplyPup Biru
totally agree; just saying that if it’s GOT to be something, that something should probably be unless… unless . . .
3 0 Replymsage And Perl
3 0 ReplyNigelFrobisher And my axe!
3 0 Reply
frezik I find that you need to choose carefully when to use it. Simple cases tend to be alright. Larger, more complex conditions shouldn't touch it.
2 0 Reply
Yeah, to be clear, I don't like it, I don't like it one bit:-P.
16 2 Replyjaybone If not anybody have time for that.
4 0 ReplyOpenStars
Oh dear Lord what have I done!? :-P
2 1 Reply