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Lord I love sushi
6 0 Reply😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈 OP
So many great combos. I'm taking a sushi making class in a few weeks.
6 1 ReplyBlxter
That's actually cool as hell I have never even attempted on my own. I did watch a video once.
2 0 Reply😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈 OP
Should be fun.
2 1 Reply
Dear MedicPigBabySaver,
It would behoove you to take pics of the entrées, then share them with us, or we’ll say that it never occurred.
Captain Raymond Holt
P.S. Your username is ridiculous on its face. I recommend that you consider changing it to something more appropriate.
2 0 Reply😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈 OP
Do you not see 3 photos? That's all my own food.
1 0 ReplyJessica
Dear MedicPigBabySaver,
It appears my ability to comprehend what I read, and also see, is severely lacking. In light of my new found understanding, your food looks appetizing; one might even say beautiful.
Captain Raymond Holt
3 0 Reply