Revenue does not mean gross profit. Gross profit does not mean net earnings. The numbers this person posted is the money the conpany gets before any operation costs. This means this is how much the product sold regardless of how much it costs to produce, package, ship, r&d, worker cost, etc. This meme has to stop its poisoning your brains
These numbers are gross profit. A quick search would verify this for yourself.
You seem to misunderstand what gross profit is because you decided to make a weird word salad.
Gross profit is the profit a business makes after subtracting all the costs that are related to manufacturing and selling its products or services.
So the numbers are relevant. It's not worker wages that are the driving inflation. It's not government handouts driving inflation. It's corporate profits that are driving inflation
But only some numbers. Apple's, for instance, is net profit from what I can see. Heinz isn't. I haven't looked into any more of them, but they're just inconsistent.
Crappy posts like this bug me so much because it makes "my side" look like we're full of shit. There are mountains of true and verified facts to support the conclusion that workers should be paid more and corporations are ruthlessly greedy.