It definitely detracted, there's a boss fight against Deathstroke (takes over the militia after Arkham Knight is taken care of in the story) but instead of an amazing fight you get chased around in the batmobile, it's a shit joke.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the Batmobile itself, just how much of a focus was on it. I didn't even dislike the tank combat, other than repetition. The first scene and arriving at GCHQ are extremely cool, they just put way too much of the batmobile stuff in.
My other disappointment is that they insisted Arkham Knight was a new character, but I'd already figured out who it was before the game released, so the "reveal" of Todd in game was more like a reveal of their lie. Outside of that and too much batmobile that game is absolutely phenomenal.
Funnily enough Mad Max had much better vehicular combat. If you want a similar (melee) combat system to these two that's also very well done, Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor (the first one, not Shadow of War) is fantastic for it. The second one kinda fumbles expanding on it in my opinion (it didn't do so much expand on it as split it up into play styles, so you had less stuff available to you at any moment), but the first game's combat is fantastic.