Israel's use of religious symbols in its genocide of Palestinians is an affront to Judaism and has robbed Jews of a faith practice divorced from nationalist barbarism
Part of stepping into Jewish anti-Zionism is accepting the fact that our religion has been hijacked by fascists who commit ongoing genocide on behalf of colonial powers.
In what way is this "on behalf of colonial powers"? From what I can tell Israel is acting for their own benefit. Nobody outside of Israel (as in governments) has a vested interest in the question of who lives in the Gaza strip.
Yes. The US vetoed a UN ceasefire twice so far since October -as far I know-, and Biden has bypassed congress to sell weapons to Israel. Not to forget all the financial and military aid, as well as media and political cover for Israel to continue its genocide.
"Israel" itself is a western colony in Palestine. Its formation used common british colonization tactics [III], with companies literally named "Colonization Commission", "Jewish Colonial Trust" and the like.
Theodor Herzl, founder of the colonial ideology he called "zionism", was himself also just a racist colonizer by his own admission, and saw it as bringing ‘civilization’ to ‘barbarians’ as the rest of Europe did when they were colonizing and enslaving Africa and Asia:
“We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence.” Source [II]
Anything that needs to go into Palestine is controlled by Israel.
Egypt only allows limited humanitarian aid to enter and no commercial goods are allowed into Gaza from Egypt
No, Israel is a Prison Colony to which Europe deported the Jews from their countries. While the right wingers among the deported Jews became the toughest Prison gang and were given control, they were not responsible for the colonization. That was done by the same powers as the rest of the colonized countries.
America does. America has, for years, had a vested interest in Israel being a forward base for its interests. You think America is getting nothing out of all those guns it sends to Israel?
You think America is getting nothing out of all those guns it sends to Israel?
That is more or less just support for the weapons industry in the US itself. But they are sending them to Israel in particular because Israel does things for them in the region. Those things that America has a vested interest in do not include the Gaza strip, the US couldn't care less what a bunch of poor people do in a region without strategic resources. Anything the US does related to the Gaza strip are things they do for Israel in exchange for other things Israel does for them.
I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted. USA very obviously doesn't gaf what happens to Palestinians. Israel already sold the rights to drill for Palestinian natural gas off the coast of Gaza so whatever happens after you run out of fucks to give is how the US government feels about Gaza.