I think beer is gross, personally, so this isn't a post about me but reading the comments it is interesting to see beer drinkers here decide against it due to cost and wanting other choices. I have news for you guys there are cocktails and other great alcohols that cost as much as your 7 to 10 dollar beer and they taste fucking great.
Well, I personally get intoxicated a bit even by sweets, and also feel worse from sugar. While beer (IPA-s mostly) makes me feel better and not that much drunk.
Ah, and that "good alcohol" you're talking about makes me nervous, shaky, paranoid and it's as if my hangover always started when others are only becoming drunk.
Metabolism can be different from person to person.
You say "gross", now that's an intriguing choice of vocab...because it's just a watery liquid, it doesn't have a texture like snot or slime or similar typically "gross" things.
I'm not saying you're wrong in your dislike of it, the taste, smell, etc. but could you elaborate what you think is "gross" about it?
Beer can be different. Though TBF I only drink two kinds of beer - one is a really flavorful craft IPA which I'm unaware of being exported from Russia, another is the cheap alcohol-free thing my dad let me taste when I was 6 or 7, which gives memories and isn't too bad.
Smell and taste is terrible. I rather have a coke with amaretto if I HAVE to drink. Never saw the appeal of beer. Plus who has money to spend on this kind of stuff. Least soda is sweet and cheaper than water.
Beer is like soup. There's tons of different ways to make it. There are sweet (like candy sweet, not just soda sweet) beers if you want them. The issue is you have to find them. There was a big movement towards sour beers for a while, which turned into a race for the sweetest beer and ended horribly in my opinion, but those are more rare than during that period now. There's also beers that taste like pickles, wine, or just about whatever else you could want. There really isn't a "beer" flavor, though there is a lager or pilsner flavor which is the typical cheap beer.
Yeah that probably what I am used to seeing. I have had draft beer but I can't tell difference so I assume I am lost cause there. Same goes for red wine for me they all taste basically the same. It's like difference between 7up and sprite.
Draft beer just means it's coming from a keg, not a style difference. You may not find beer you like, but if you've only tried the typical beer you get at a bar or whatever then yeah, it won't be good. I'd say go to a brewery and ask for help. The bartenders will be happy to help and they'll let you taste whatever you want before ordering. You can also go to a taphouse or something, but they won't be as helpful probably and you also probably can't get tastes.
I'm confused by this, how is soda cheaper than water? In the us, water comes out of my faucet ridiculously cheaply, and virtually every restaurant will give you water for free while charge for soda. At least with beer you get a buzz, why anyone would ever choose soda is beyond me. Well, I get it, it's sweet. But it's really just absolutely empty calories.
Ah water bottles versus faucet. I Believe you live in a place that doesn't have terrible tap. Plus I can't upgrade the place I live in to resolve that ugh.
Sugary water taste good by default plus you can offer it to anyone unlike beer.
Buzz is also a side-effect which soda codes not have. I can drink 50 Cana of soda and still drive home.