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What TTRPG are you playing this week?

What’s everyone playing? Tell us your system and a bit about your current game, if you have one, or, if you don’t, what game you’re looking forward to playing!


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  • I've been running Worlds Without Number and Cities WIthout Number campaigns. I'm also putting the final touches to my homebrew game based on blending ACKS, WWN and classic B/X.

    • I haven’t read Cities yet but WWN is a terrific resource. Your homebrew sounds fascinating! I’d love to hear more about it (maybe in its own thread? 😂).

      • Cities is still in beta (version 0.24 currently) as the Kickstarter was so recent, but I believe it's planned to be finished by end of the month. I've been GMing it since version 0.07 though, and found it very playable already from day 1 :)

        When I finish my homebrew I'll post some more about it. :)